Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Next Generation of Pet ID Tags

This is the next generation of Pet ID tags...

Toronto's registration tags are a thing of the past.  The city makes approximately 1.3 million but spends roughly 1.1 million to collect these fees.  On top of that, where is Animal Control when you really need them?

More and more people are opting out of registering their pets.  The one thing that IS GREAT about having a pet ID tag is that if your dog or cat ever got lost you could always call animal control and if/when someone brought them into a shelter you would have a way to find out where they are.

This bring us to PETTOO!!!  The next generation of pet ID tags.  These babies are COOL!

So here's now it works.  You register your pet for free and create an online profile.  This can include Name, Pictures, Contact Info, etc.  If your dog or cat ever gets lost the person who finds them can use their smartphone right on the spot to access this profile and can get in touch with you right away.

Also, there is some sort of GPS feature that can be implemented, though I am not all together sure how it works yet.

I think this is a really great idea and can definitely see it catching on in Toronto!

I am registered on this website www.winjunkie.com and they have weekly contests that are  all totally free to enter.  They are offering these tags as one of the contests, but what's cool is that you get a special promo code for 50% just for entering the contest!

These guys actually have a lot of really cool contests going on... you should totally check it out!!!

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