Friday 13 January 2012

Friday January 13th, 2012

OMG What a day!!!!  First snow fall and Friday the 13th on the same day... whew!

Not only has everybody in Toronto forgotten what snow is and how to drive in it... the dogs went NUTS at the park.
I think I spent the majority of the day rolling around in it with them.... they were out of their minds
running around in it.  

I managed to snap off a couple pics before my first 'snow job' of the year lol...  
Luckily I wore my one piece snow suit so I was able to roll around with them... can't say the same for my camera : (
Gonna have to pull out the waterproof one from now on!

Bundle up and have fun in the snow this weekend and I'll make sure to get lots of 
cute snow pics next week!  Happy Winter : )

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