Thursday 29 March 2012



A close friend of us has contacted us in a panic to save this beautiful dog.  He is a 1.5 year old male Great Dane.
There is NOTHING wrong with this dog but because he went into the Quebec shelter
system he is literally on "death row".

They only hold dogs so long there before they put them down.  Since he is a Dane, a larger dog, and is
already a year and a half old, they are having a hard time finding a home for him.

I know most of our pack are dogs that have been adopted/rescued so I am hoping that
maybe one of us has a friend that might be looking to do the same thing.

Great Danes are excellent city dogs!  While they may be a large breed they are extremely gentle,
DO NOT REQUIRE EXCESSIVE EXERCISE and are very calm and sedentary in the home.

A daily romp with a pack and a walk in the evening is more than enough exercise for these gentle giants.

I am so upset that we are in the middle of renovations and can't bring him into our home or I would have him here in a second!

If you think you know anyone who would be interested in having a new family member
PLEASE let me know.  He is scheduled to be euthanized on April 6th, 2012.

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