Thursday 31 May 2012

2 Gorgeous Cats Need Your Help URGENT !!!

I am so sad to say that I have to find a new home for my 2 amazing cats. 

They are totally awesome and I love them SO much but unfortunately my husband can't handle living with them any longer. He has unbelievable allergies to almost all animals and has been going through absolute hell trying to make it work. 

We have tried everything; allergy shots, medication, air purifiers/dehumidifiers, vacuuming like crazy, etc. I keep my cats very clean, trimmed and groomed but his allergies are just so bad that it has come to a breaking point. (It runs in his family is way beyond normal allergies)

We have just bought our first home together and are moving in there at the end of June. I love these cats like they are my children and really want to find them a good home for the rest of their lives.

I rescued them about 6 years ago as kittens and they are both in perfect health. I have had them thoroughly checked out. The white one's name is Winnie and the striped one is Bug. I totally understand if you want to give them new names but they will come to their names being called.

They are SO lovable. They love being rubbed and pet, but also know their boundaries and will catch on quickly if there are places they are not supposed to go. They will probably be a little nervous at first, being that they have only really ever known one home, but that will pass quickly as they get to know you.

Although they are 6 years old you are still looking at 10 years + of companionship with these beautiful cats.

I am not looking for any kind of money but I need to ensure that they are going to a good home. If, for whatever reason, you can't keep them down the road you can always call me and I will come and get them from you immediately and take care of finding them a new home. My phone number never changes.

I might sound a little crazy about my cats but when you love an animal for so long it's like giving away a family member.

My cats are very comfortable with other animals including larger dogs. They sometimes are cautious when a particular dog gives them a reason to be (pawing at them or barking at them) but that soon passes and they let their guard down and will cuddle and play with them.

Winnie and Bug are currently staying at my good friend's parents house in Scarborough, while I live downtown Toronto. I will make sure that arrangements can be made for you to meet and spend some time with the cats before you decide to take them home.

If you or anyone you know is thinking about bringing cat love into their home and like the idea of having more mature cats that have already learned house manners please call me, Ally, any time at 647.225.2559 or email me

Thank you for taking the time to read about Winnie and Bug. My fingers are crossed that I can find them a loving home soon. They really are incredible cats.

